Collection: Saint St Gerard Safe Delivery Necklace

"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you." – Jeremiah 1:5

Saint Gerard Maiella is the Patron Saint of pregnant women, mothers, and children, and a saint who holds a very special place in the hearts of many believers throughout the world. He was born in 1726 in Muro Lucano, Italy, and lived a life full of faith and selfless acts. Gerard's legacy is one of miraculous healings, spiritual ecstasies, and an extraordinary ability to bring comfort to those in despair.

One of the most-cherished stories concerning his compassion is about a young bride who, while delivering in life-threatening childbirth, remembered a handkerchief that Saint Gerard once had left with her family. Having placed the cloth on, her pain disappeared and successfully delivered her child. These are types of miracles that make him today a symbol of hope and protection for all kinds of families.


Saint St Gerard Safe Delivery Necklace

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